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PGGM targets social added-value

PGGM will make targeted ESG investments in all investment categories in 2011, and complete research into the social added-value of those investments, which may also lead to a model to screen the entire portfolio for a sustainable return, according to its annual responsible investment report.
Uncategorised posts

Dutch look ambitiously beyond DB funds

As the social partners in the Netherlands debate the future of the pension system, Amanda White spoke with chief institutional business and deputy CEO at PGGM, Else Bos, about the preferred reform outcome which may be a move towards a “defined ambition” structure, as well as PGGM’s vision of retirement provision which moves beyond just […]
Investor Profile

PGGM wins more pension fund clients

PGGM Investments, whose main client is the €75 billion ($107 billion) Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn (PFZW) in the Netherlands, is well on its way to achieving its goal of becoming a commercial manager of pension fund assets, with more funds due to come on board soon. Else Bos, chief executive officer investments, spoke to Kristen […]