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Investors cluster around AI SDG platform

A growing number of influential asset owners have expressed interest in a new sustainable development investment (SDI) Asset Owner Investor Platform launched by Dutch funds APG and PGGM. The AI-driven technology sifts through reams of structured and unstructured data to gauge the extent to which companies’ products and activities meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

A sustainability taxonomy for investors

The EU expert group for sustainable finance has published a taxonomy, or green encyclopedia, that gives guidance to investors looking to finance the transition to an economy in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. PGGM’s Brenda Kramer, who is a member of the EC’s sustainable finance technical expert group, explains how this could be a game changer in the long term.

A guide for trustees for the long term

Last month the book Achieving Investment Excellence, was launched in the auditorium of Dutch pension investor APG. The book is a guide to empowering pension fund trustees to get a good grip on the difficulty of successful long-term investing for pension funds. spoke to one of the authors, principal director investment strategy of PGGM, Jaap van Dam.

Different ways to navigate risk

Institutional investors are navigating the different risks that can impact their portfolios in different ways, explained chief risk offers speaking at the Fiduciary Investors Symposium in Cambridge. Arjen Pasma, chief risk officer at Dutch asset manager PGGM noted how risks span investment risk, counterparty risk, liquidity risk and ESG risk. Measuring ESG risk in the manager’s large allocation to private markets where each deal is scored on ESG and climate risk is particularly important, he said.