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Fund collaboration first step to joint investment

European pension fund service providers PGGM and PKA have agreed on an innovative knowledge exchange that eventually aims to look for joint investment opportunities as well as improving the way the funds conduct risk management and the benchmarking of investments, costs and socially responsible investing.
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Property survey highlights green stars

The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) is being actively used by its investor supporters, including PGGM, to make service providers accountable for ESG performance, with the second annual survey finding a larger proportion of managers in the top quadrant this year.
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ESG culture crucial to integration says innovating funds

Some of responsible investing’s most sophisticated adherents have moved from token aspirations to attempting to imbed environmental, social, governance integration into all their investment decisions. talked to Dutch asset manager PGGM and Danish fund ATP, which are both widely regarded as ESG leaders, about how they have integrated ESG into their investment processes.