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PRI in Person

The macro-economic outlook: ESG needed to navigate uncertainty

“It is in our interests to analyse ESG risk,” argued Douglas Hodge, chief executive of PIMCO in his opening address at PRI in Person, the UN-supported international network of investors working to put the six Principles for Responsible Investment into practice. Hodge set the scene for the three day conference, where delegates gathered at the […]
Uncategorised posts

The changing nature of fixed income

As the fixed income asset class undergoes rapid change and the opportunity set expands, unconstrained bond funds have become popular. But as this article examines, with that expanded opportunity set comes new considerations including a wider risk/return spectrum among managers.   Trends in the global investment universe tend to come around every six months or […]

What’s the impact of the stock:bond correlation?

The correlation between stocks and bonds in a rising interest rate environment can turn positive. So given the likelihood of a rate rise, what should asset allocation look like if investors are forward looking?   One of the growing trends in asset and risk allocations is to adopt a forward-looking view driven by macroeconomics, rather […]
Investor Profile

Seeking partners in Alaska

The $46-billion Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) will launch PCIO, a private equity version of its successful external chief-investment-officer partnerships, and is looking for partners now. When the fund moved to a risk-based factor allocation a few years ago, it allocated mandates under its special opportunities bucket to five managers – PIMCO, GMO, Bridgewater, AQR […]
Uncategorised posts

Ventures on the risk spectrum

Hershel Harper received an early education in finance when he used to read Business Week in High School. The 43-year old now at the helm of the $27-billion South Carolina Retirement Systems, investing on behalf of South Carolina’s 350,000 public sector workers, says he knew back then he wanted to manage money: “I really am […]
In-house Investments

Railpen, the open DB fund with locomotion

Despite the constant pull on Railpen chief executive Chris Hitchen’s expertise in other directions, most recently helping to run NEST, the UK government’s new low-cost pension scheme, he is resolute that his primary task is ensuring Railpen, inhouse manager of the £19-billion ($30.4 billion) pension scheme for Britain’s rail industry, successfully delivers on its monthly […]