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The Determinants of Pension Funds’ Allocation to Private Equity

This paper by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) investigates the main determinants of pension funds investment in private equity funds, and particularly in venture capital and leverage buyouts in the US and Canada over the 1996-2011 period. The results show some important differences between pension funds allocating to private equity and more traditional assets. The first ones are […]
Investment Think Tanks

PE LPs overweighting home-state is hurting returns

New research finds institutional investors favour investing in private equity general partners that are located in the same state as their organisation. This is intuitive as local knowledge and contacts attract investments. However research from Stanford University finds this bias is coming at a large cost – about $1.2 billion a year – particularly for […]

Recasting private equity after the financial crisis

This article published by the European Corporate Governance and written by Tilburg University academics examines the post-financial crisis trends in the private equity industry, showing investors are demanding the inclusion of more investor-favorable compensation terms in limited partnership agreements. The findings suggest these new terms not only provide the investors with more favorable management fee and profit […]
Private Equity

Data doesn’t lie: illiquidity premium doesn’t exist

There is no 3 per cent illiquidity premium in private equity, according to research by CEM Benchmarking. A cost drag on private assets cancels out the returns of investing in private equity and real estate for those investors that outsource to external providers, the research finds. CEM Benchmarking, which has a database of 354 pension […]
Uncategorised posts

New era for Barra risk modelling

MSCI’s risk management tool, BarraOne incorporated 31 private real estate models and a macro-factor asset allocation model in 2013 and this year will add global private equity analysis giving it coverage across all asset classes. BarraOne, which is widely used among investors for risk analysis and management, started as an equities analysis tool, but now […]