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Investment beliefs of endowments

Academics from Columbia and Yale Universities examine the expected and actual returns of US university endowment portfolios and the role of alternatives in generating alpha.   To access the paper Investment beliefs of endowments
Investor Profile

Finding wriggle room in North Dakota

The monthly income pouring into the $1.3-billion North Dakota Legacy Fund arrives as thick and fast as fracking technology and new pipeline networks can draw the state’s oil and gas reserves to the surface. But investment strategy at the fund, set up in 2008 when it was portioned 30 per cent of the tax dollars […]
Investor Profile

Pulling lots of small levers in Tennessee

Michael Brakebill had never visited Nashville, Tennessee before he interviewed for the role of chief investment officer at the $36.6-billion Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS) back in 2008. Landing the job at the defined benefit scheme for Tennessee’s public sector workers, he left his position as head of domestic equity at Texas’ Teachers Retirement System […]
Fixed Income

Liquidity tightens, volatility rises

How should pension funds in the United Kingdom best prepare for the government unwinding quantitive easing (QE) and tightening monetary policy? The Bank of England isn’t showing any signs of ending QE just yet, its policy begun in 2009 and designed to stimulate the economy by creating new money to buy government bonds. But QE […]
Investor Profile

The real star of Washington State

Renowned academic Ashby Monk said the best way to lure talent to US public sector retirement funds unable to pay Wall Street salaries was to hire the green, the grey or the grounded. With a 30-year career spanning business, government and media, Theresa Whitmarsh, executive director of the $92.1-billion Washington State Investment Board (WSIB) laughs […]
Investor Profile

Wallach takes long view cross the Mersey

Peter Wallach, head of the United Kingdom’s Merseyside Pension Fund isn’t overly worried about the recent fall in equities. “Markets are being driven by liquidity from central banks; this is more about central banks just needing to reassure investors,” he says. “It is bonds, to our mind, that are over-valued in the medium to long […]