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Investor Profile

NEST challenges private equity fees

UK pension scheme NEST’s first foray into private equity offers hope for investors looking beyond standard operating models in the asset class. The £20 billion defined contribution fund, currently sifting through 60-odd procurement responses to allocate more than £1 billion at the beginning of next year, is quietly confident it will be able to hammer out a deal with GPs to make the expensive asset class known for 2:20 fees affordable.
Investor Profile

Maryland’s record year prompts actuarial rate reduction

Maryland State Retirement  and Pension System is the latest fund to record an historical performance for the 2021 financial year, returning a best ever 26.7 per cent. Again public and private equities were the star performers with an exceptional 51.85 per cent return in private equity and 44.54 per cent in public equities  But in recognition there might be a bill to pay for those higher returns in the future the fund has lowered its actuarial rate of return.
Private Equity

Co-investment, diversification drive CalPERS’ PE push

Since taking on the job of head of private equity at CalPERS two years ago Greg Ruiz has spent considerable time getting the portfolio back on track, understanding the positions and allocating capital. Now as the fund almost certainly will allocate more assets to private equity as part of a new asset allocation, Ruiz is looking to add to the sectors where the fund is underweight including venture.
Investor Profile

Florida SBA’s venture adventure

The Florida State Board of Administration’s (SBA) commitment to venture capital over many decades has been a contributor to the fund's performance. Last year the team had 340 meetings and calls, reviewed 109 funds, carried out due diligence on 26 and invested in three. Successful IPOs and SPACs, plus realisations from investments made in 2013/14, have led to a standout performance.
Investor Profile

NEST’s PE challenge to the industry

The UK defined contribution fund, NEST has added a number of new asset classes to its portfolio over the past year – including infrastructure with a focus on renewables – but the fund is still missing an allocation to private equity. CIO Mark Fawcett spoke to Amanda White about the fund’s challenge to the industry on private equity fees, its focus on climate-aware portfolios and innovative approaches to portfolio management.
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CalPERS CEO on the ALM challenge

The CEO of CalPERS Marcie Frost has a big year ahead. Not only is the fund still searching for a CIO, but it will also conduct its four-yearly asset liability study this year. Frost speaks to Amanda White about the challenges of the top job at the largest fund in the US and how she works to make sure the “real story” of CalPERS gets told.