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Private Equity

A more thoughtful private equity model

Responsible investors need to take into account how fund management and investment structures may be exacerbating wealth and income disparities, as well as systemic market risk. Raphaele Chappe and Delilah Rothenberg from the Predistribution Initiative have some suggestions for how PE could be adjusted in this regard and how building back better post-COVID-19 requires a more thoughtful model.
Private Equity

Retail investors eye private equity

The efforts to open private markets to retail investors will continue and appear to be progressing. The potential scale of capital is both a blessing and a curse to those who absorb it. The private equity market is already bifurcating, when the retail capital arrives, much of it will likely be deployed into the deep end of the market, with the ultimate result likely being public returns earned privately.
Investor Profile

Oregon PE revamp shakes off GFC legacy

Oregon Investment Council has committed to investing $3 billion a year in private equity, with the smooth pacing strategy part a response to the fund’s overweight position to poor performing vintages as a result of its allocations before and after the GFC. The investor is also focusing on manager relationships with a focus on accessing new relationships and upsizing the best existing ones; and a new strategy that sees no provider in charge of more than 5 per cent of the portfolio.