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MERS: real assets, non-US markets

MERS chief investment officer Jeb Burns still finds value in active management as he seeks to up the fund’s exposure to emerging markets, and other non-US locales, in equities and real assets.
Investor Profile

Australian fund leading the way on real assets

The $15 billion Australian super fund for hospitality workers, HOSTPLUS, has a 10 per cent allocation to infrastructure and is aggressively increasing its allocation to real assets. David Rowley spoke to chief investment officer, Sam Sicilia, about what the fund seeks from real assets.   A quarter of the $15 billion in assets held by […]
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Collaboration keep deals on tap

As British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (BCIMC) moves towards its target of having 30 per cent of its portfolio exposed to real assets, it is seeking collaborative opportunities with similar large institutional investors. The investment manager is on the lookout for other like-minded investors and has already made significant co-investments in recent years. This year […]