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Investor Profile

ATP’s new risk lens

The giant Danish fund, ATP, now views the return-seeking part of its investment portfolio through four risk sectors, allowing an easy comparison of investments across asset classes.
Investment Think Tanks

Hedge funds: sheep in wolves’ clothing

Hedge funds are sheep in wolves’ clothing, they are claiming their returns to be alpha, but a large part of it is driven by beta, Narayan Naik, professor of finance, London Business School told delegates at an investment think-tank in London last week. The good news, Naik says, is a new era has dawned in […]

Risk Factors as Building Blocks for Portfolio Diversification

The Callan Investment Institute explores portfolio construction using risk factors in its latest paper. The research finds that while building purely factor-based portfolios is challenging and largely impractical for most asset owners, using factors to understand traditionally constructed portfolios can be very useful. The paper, from the research arm of Callan Associates, looks at ways […]