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Complexity: thinking ahead

Complexity is, well complex. And as trite as that sounds, it’s something investors, even professional investors, don’t understand well enough, according to Tim Hodgson, head of the Thinking Ahead Group at Towers Watson. The Thinking Ahead Group (TAG), as has been reported here before, gets paid to think – a gig is envious of. […]
Uncategorised posts

Subtle charm in new asset allocation models

There is an over-abundance of literature about the failure of traditional asset allocation models, and the need for a new alternative that will solve all the world’s problems. But a new model by Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners caught my cynicism by surprise this week.

Accounting and sponsor risks in corporate pension plans

This study by EDHEC surveys how pension funds and sponsors manage the risks they face and how institutional constraints – accounting and prudential regulations, the organisation of the relationship between the pension fund and its sponsor, and social laws – influence investment strategy.