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All the elements of a difficult year

Some trends have the potential to pack the impact of a force of nature in markets in 2019. Mercer takes a look at threats and opportunities from choppy waters of the late cycle, headwinds in market participation, geopolitical tremors, and the unstoppable force of sustainability.
Investor Profile

CERN risk appetite keeps assets liquid

The CHf4 billion CERN pension fund maintains a dynamic, tactical strategy that takes into account the market environment and the fund’s liabilities. Once risk levels are set, CIO Elena Manola-Bonthond tweaks and adjusts to stay on target, employing strict due diligence in areas such as private equity and hedge funds.
Asset Allocation

When multi-asset makes sense

Core multi-asset strategies provide access to a collection of market betas without a heavy governance burden. Idiosyncratic multi-asset strategies introduce a variety of return drivers into a portfolio. Mercer takes a look at the costs of each of these subcategories and when they’re justified.

FRR won’t add risk, ending trend

The $41 billion French pension reserve fund had upped the return-seeking proportion of its portfolio every year since 2010 but inflation fears and expensive equities have halted the streak.