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Why active investment is a zero sum game

Asset owners are increasingly under pressure to find alpha via active management because of declines in beta. Drawing on his research into active strategies at Norway’s Government Pension Fund Global, Maastricht University's Rob Bauer argues active doesn't pay.

Dutch fund commits to member preferences

For the first time a pension fund board has committed to implementing the results of a member survey, ex ante, resulting in the Pensioenfonds Detailhandel, the pension fund for the retail sector in the Netherlands, increasing its commitment to sustainable investing.
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Board make-up matters

The more political appointees and worker representatives sit on US pension fund boards, the more those funds will respond to incentives that encourage riskier investing, research has found.
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New leadership prompts strategy review at ICPM

A decade since the formation of the Rotman International Centre for Pension Management is a good time to review the organisation’s raison d’etre. Amanda White spoke to ICPM chair, Barbara Zvan, chief investment risk officer of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, and the outgoing and incoming executive directors, Keith Ambachtsheer and Rob Bauer.   “There is […]
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The end of beauty contest active management?

Designing and implementing concentrated, long-horizon investment mandates would support longer term thinking, align pension organisation’s goals with its stakeholders, and reduce transaction costs. This was one of the recommendations of a two-day workshop in Toronto last month, attended by a delegation of 80 pension fund executives from around the globe. Aimed at uncovering the meaning […]