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Sustainability Digital – Sept 2020

No luxury to pick and choose SDGs

There is moment driven by the COVID-19 crisis to invest in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, according to chief executive of Robeco, Gilbert van Hassel. But investing in companies of the future, and avoiding risks of the past, requires real expertise and changing mindsets about investment poses one of the biggest challenge for investors.
Harvard 2019

SDG 16: How to invest in peace

Investment in the 17 SDGs is growing, but SDG 16, and its call to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, gets the least investor attention. Yet the idea that investors can mobilise their capital to nurture peace is wholly possible.

Investors cluster around AI SDG platform

A growing number of influential asset owners have expressed interest in a new sustainable development investment (SDI) Asset Owner Investor Platform launched by Dutch funds APG and PGGM. The AI-driven technology sifts through reams of structured and unstructured data to gauge the extent to which companies’ products and activities meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Industry events

Impact investing is solving un-met needs

Impact investors need to start with a problem they are trying to solve, not an opportunity set, according to Tim Crockford, head of impact investing at Hermes Investment Management. Speaking at the RFK Human Rights Compass conference, he said impact investing is about finding the companies that are solving an un-met need through the products and services they are selling.