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Investor Profile

Equity bias thwarts Irish sovereign fund’s returns

Ireland’s €15.5 billion (US$20.6 billion) sovereign wealth fund, the National Pensions Reserve Fund (NPRF), has been highly exposed to the equity market malaise. Kristen Paech examines the fund’s investment strategy and the Government’s recent decision to use the NPRF to finance the recapitalisation of two of Ireland’s beleaguered banks.
Investor Profile

NZ Super seeks opportunities amongst the wreckage

While it may not have liabilities to pay out just yet, the NZ$11.2 billion (US$6.26 billion) New Zealand Superannuation Fund is not immune to the liquidity pressures facing institutional investors across the globe. Kristen Paech talks to chief executive Adrian Orr about the challenges facing the fund, and the potential investment opportunities.
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SWFs eye private real estate funds

New research reveals many sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) have entered the private fund arena and more are planning to invest through private equity funds in the future. According to analysis from the 2009 Preqin Sovereign Wealth Fund Review, which contains investment plans for all SWFs active in the real estate sector, 13 per cent invest […]
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Asia and South America focus for SWFs

Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), with assets of about US$5 trillion, see Brazil, China and areas of Central America as the most attractive geographical regions for investment, while 70 per cent plan to increase their allocations to equity markets in the second half of the year, according to new research by Financial Dynamics International (FDI).