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Next-Generation Outsourcing for Wealth Managers: Riding the Wave of Converging Business Trends

For wealth managers, major industry trends are transforming the old concept of outsourcing into a fundamentally new way of delivering services, with advancing technology rapidly coming on-stream to weave together client and third-party provider relationships. Now, outsourcing is rapidly gaining traction as wealth managers are taking a longer look at how leveraging external resources can […]
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Systemic Risk: Strategic Challenges for Policymakers and Practitioners

Systemic risk has emerged as a critical challenge for central bankers, regulators, asset owners and managers. While the infuence of the phenomenon is well-understood, systemic risk is often virtually invisible until it erupts into widespread market dislocation. New regulatory standards, oversight bodies and quantitative research approaches seek to moderate its infuence and stabilise global markets. […]
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The Changing Shape of European Investment Management

The fnancial crisis has triggered a series of regulatory initiatives that are set to infuence the competitive landscape for European asset managers. While pre-crisis regulation focused largely on market effciency, many of the new measures are focused on issues of investor protection. The pace and rigour of these developments may increase complexity and cost, with potential implications for the […]
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Technology has long been an essential behind-the-scenes partner in the financial services industry, providing theinnovative incremental advances necessary for the industry to upgrade and expand its services. Improvements in storage capacity and processing speed, for example, have had a profound impact on data management and transactional capabilities, with accompanying reductions in cost. Yet despite these […]
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Superannuation: Managing the Challenges of Changing Super Needs

Australia has one of the largest retirement fund pools per capita in the world. Given the significance of this relative to Australia’s total gross domestic product, the superannuation sector has come under unprecedented scrutiny with a series of major government reviews heightening the call for increased efficiency, greater engagement and ultimately improved returns. Understanding their […]
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Sustainable Investing: Positioning for Long-Term Success

Increased awareness of environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns is influencing the investment decisions of institutional investors more and more. Leveraging preliminary findings of new research by State Street Global Advisors, we examine the momentum behind this trend and the opportunities emerging in a rapidly shifting landscape. Click here to download the report