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Sovereign Wealth Funds Emerging from the Financial Crisis

Drawing on the expertise of our leading authorities on sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), this Vision paper assesses the implications of the financial crisis on SWFs, examining how the crisis has altered public perception, challenges posed and how SWFs might engage in the debate over a new financial world order. Click here to download the report
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Pensions Strengthening the DC Model for the Future

With the growth of defined contribution (DC) assets now outpacing that of defined benefit (DB) assets globally, DC models are being examined more closely than ever before. This Vision paper explores ways to strengthen DC plans so that they deliver an effective long-term solution to meet retirement needs globally. Click here to download the report
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ETF Serving: Moving Forward in a Market in Motion

As ETFs expand in number, breadth and global reach, ETF sponsors face numerous challenges and opportunities, including creating greater efficiencies and adapting traditional operational models to accommodate increased trading frequency. This Vision Focus paper looks at how sponsors can best position themselves to thrive in this dynamic, competitive market. Click here to download the report
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Sovereign Wealth Funds Assessing the Impact

Leveraging State Street’s position as a market practitioner, this Vision paper examines the lack of a universal definition for sovereign wealth funds, the debate regarding transparency, and the impact these large and fast-growing institutional investors are likely to have on the capital markets. Click here to download the report