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Investor Profile

New Zealand Super reviews risk budget

New Zealand Super just returned its best-ever result of nearly 30 per cent. In addition to the gains from its overweight position to equities the fund also fully hedged the currency. Amanda White explores the fund’s strategy and the risk budgeting review currently under way.
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NZ Super debates currency risk

NZ Super's recent five-year reference portfolio review saw much debate over currency risk, with the discussion elevating to the board - an unusual situation for the fund whose internal IC usually makes recommendations to the board.
Investor Profile

The Future Fund 2.0

With its 10th birthday looming, the Future Fund is entering its next incarnation complete with a new investment team structure. AMANDA WHITE spoke to Raphael Arndt, Stephen Gilmore and David Neal. When David Neal, the inaugural chief investment officer of the Future Fund, became its managing director on August 4 last year, his previous role […]