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Exchanges need to adapt to institutional demands: Norges

Institutional investors now dominate the free float holdings of listed companies and exchanges need to adapt to this enduring change in market structure and investor needs, according to Norges Bank Investment Management, manager of the $818 billion Norwegian sovereign wealth fund. Norges Bank, which itself owns around 1 per cent of the world’s listed stock, […]

What’s the impact of the stock:bond correlation?

The correlation between stocks and bonds in a rising interest rate environment can turn positive. So given the likelihood of a rate rise, what should asset allocation look like if investors are forward looking?   One of the growing trends in asset and risk allocations is to adopt a forward-looking view driven by macroeconomics, rather […]
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Paul Marsh: live with low returns

The London Business School’s emeritus professor of finance Paul Marsh admits that you have to be slightly mad to embark on the kind of research detailed in the latest edition of Global Investment Returns Yearbook. This year Marsh and colleagues Elroy Dimson and Mike Staunton – Marsh describes the three of them, pictured below, as […]