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Towards a new generation of pension funds in Australia

Numerous surveys suggest that Australians are not completely satisfied with superannuation as it exists today. First, fund members tend to think that they will not have enough to retire and second, that investment plan providers are not necessarily acting in their best interest. In this context, we asked in a recent study supported by AXA […]
Hedge Funds

Why Sunsuper likes hedge funds

One of Australia’s largest superannuation funds, the $27 billion Sunsuper, is adamant that it gets value out of its large hedge fund program. This is against the grain in Australia, where many large funds (with the exception of the Future Fund) choosing not to invest in hedge funds. So why does Sunsuper favour hedge funds? […]

Australian industry degraded by inflated fees

The Australian superannuation industry is often quoted as among the world’s best. However a new report by the Grattan Institute reveals Australian funds charge on average three times the OECD median rate. The report says that superannuation fee reform is the biggest opportunity for micro-economic reform in that country’s economy. The report, Super sting: how […]
Investor Profile

Australian fund leading the way on real assets

The $15 billion Australian super fund for hospitality workers, HOSTPLUS, has a 10 per cent allocation to infrastructure and is aggressively increasing its allocation to real assets. David Rowley spoke to chief investment officer, Sam Sicilia, about what the fund seeks from real assets.   A quarter of the $15 billion in assets held by […]
Uncategorised posts

Controversy dogs Australian system review

The Australian Government released its report of the review into the governance, efficiency, structure and operation of the superannuation system, last week. Some of the recommendations have been met with controversy by industry participants, with continued support of innovative and alternative investments at risk.