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Harvard 2019

NYC Retirement Systems’ S in ESG

Speaking at the Fiduciary Investors Symposium at Harvard University, John Adler, mayor’s trustee and advisor to the other mayoral appointees at New York City’s $200 billion five retirement systems, highlighted the critical role investors play in protecting workers’ rights and ensuring a just transition as the global economy adapts to the implications of climate change.

Investors cluster around AI SDG platform

A growing number of influential asset owners have expressed interest in a new sustainable development investment (SDI) Asset Owner Investor Platform launched by Dutch funds APG and PGGM. The AI-driven technology sifts through reams of structured and unstructured data to gauge the extent to which companies’ products and activities meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
PRI in Person

Shell and shareholders chart evolution

At PRI in Person Sylvia van Waveren, director, active ownership at Robeco, and Adam Mathews, director of ethics and engagement at The Church of England’s Pensions Board sat down with Ben van Beurden, CEO of Royal Dutch Shell to chart their journey of dialogue and evolution that resulted in the oil giant setting carbon emissions targets linked to executive pay.
PRI in Person

How Danone leads corporate world on ESG

In conversation with Eva Halvarsson, CEO of SEK 334 billion ($34 billion) Swedish buffer fund AP2 at PRI in Person in Paris, CFO of French multi-national food group Danone Cécile Cabanis, told delegates that the goal of the company is to contribute positively to all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Plastic pollution: A call to arms

Plastic production is projected to triple by 2050, yet only 14 per cent of plastic packaging is now collected for recycling. Consumers are beginning to reject the use of single use plastic and if this continues the financial impacts could be significant. So what is the role of asset owners in bringing this to light?