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EU agrees on sustainable disclosure

The European Parliament and EU member states worked through the night on Wednesday to reach an agreement on disclosure requirements related to sustainable investments and sustainability risks. The agreement means that for the first time it is now clear in regulation that ESG is part of investment decision making.

Dutch fund commits to member preferences

For the first time a pension fund board has committed to implementing the results of a member survey, ex ante, resulting in the Pensioenfonds Detailhandel, the pension fund for the retail sector in the Netherlands, increasing its commitment to sustainable investing.

Why slavery needs to be a priority

Chair of the Financial Sector Commission on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking, PRI’s Fiona Reynolds explains how the financial sector is well positioned to identify, target and disrupt these crimes and their underlying causes.

TPI’s ambitious path to low carbon

The Transition Pathway Initiative has grown quickly as a tool for asset owners and fund managers looking to plot their way toward a low-carbon economy – but there is more on its agenda. Scrutiny of more investors, expanded research and transparency in emerging markets are all on its to-do list.

Why credit ratings need to reflect ESG

ESG relevance scores and ESG-dedicated sections in ratings commentaries are examples of how ratings agencies are addressing demand for analysis of such risk factors in fixed income, the PRI’s Carmen Nuzzo says. Managing data for good comparisons will be a challenge going forward.

Metrics for long term performance

Academics Gordon Clark and Ashby Monk have created 11 metrics that focus on meaningful and useful predictors of long-term performance. It’s a boon for investors struggling with the problem of appropriate measures for investing for the long term, a horizon where traditional benchmarks don’t always fit.