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Mercer’s plan for integrating ESG

How to implement ESG into portfolio construction and implementation is an ongoing challenge for asset owners. Mercer has come up with a number of strategies including the best way to use ESG ratings, active ownership, and tailored strategies that play to sustainability themes, including its own unlisted investment solution. Amanda White spoke to Jane Ambachtsheer, […]
Investor Profile

Ohio SERS reduces hedge funds

This year the $12 billion Ohio School Employees Retirement System is prioritising projects that fulfil the board’s desire to find income from alternative sources and manage risk, including allocating more to real assets, and initiating an RFP on a risk management system. Farouki Majeed speaks to Amanda White about the fund’s investment program.   With […]
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Innovation to align investors with the social good

The CFA Institute’s president John Rogers, believes there is evidence of innovation in investment products that meet the needs of asset owners in a more sustainable, longer-term way, and points to the work of professors and advisors to the CFA , Andrew Lo of MIT and Robert Shiller of Yale.   One of the main […]
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Stock exchanges ‘need nudge on sustainability disclosure’

 A study ranking the world’s stock exchanges against disclosure on sustainability themes ranks the BME Spanish Exchange at the top. But the study’s author managing director of CK Capital, Doug Morrow, says stock exchanges need a nudge by regulators to enforce tougher disclosure standards.   The world’s stock exchanges “need a bit of a nudge” […]
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CalPERS: a new framework of economy

CalPERS has adopted 10 preliminary investment principles following a board offsite in July, but a number of topics, including the role of active management, are still under debate ahead of the September board meeting that is the deadline for the principles’ adoption. The $266-billion Californian fund began the process for establishing investment principles in January […]

Towards sustainable stock exchanges

Wall Street is not normally synonymous with sustainability. But today, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will ring the closing bell at the New York Stock Exchange to welcome NYSE Euronext into the Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative, joining NASDAQ OMX and leading emerging market exchanges from Turkey, South Africa, Egypt, Brazil and India. Why would […]