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Sustainability Digital – Sept 2020

The future of engagement

Ben Caldecott from The Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme at the University of Oxford explains how emerging technologies, changing client preferences, new regulatory landscapes, and evolving economic geographies create new opportunities for more effective engagement and forms of active ownership.
Industry events

Engagement needs more resources

Resources in the investment value chain have to shift away from financial modelling and trading towards stewardship and engagement according to Luba Nikulina, global head of manager research at Willis Towers Watson, speaking at the 8th Sustainable Finance Forum run by Oxford University.
Private Equity

LPs failing engagement in private equity

Engagement and stewardship in private equity has been left out in the cold. This is strange for an asset class with high returns and where the foundation is already in place for the asset manager to act on behalf of the asset owner for strong engagement. Bob Eccles encourages more action.
Featured Story

Investors should backoff policy: Kay

Pension funds have “no business” engaging with policy makers but instead should influence change through stewardship, which is also the main function of asset managers, according to John Kay, Supernumerary Fellow in Economics at St Johns College, Oxford University.