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UniSuper defies accepted thinking

Mention any asset class to John Pearce, chief investment officer of Australian superannuation fund UniSuper, and he will doggedly set out the good and bad thinking around it. A common source of his ire is the sight of investors herding around a belief based on a lack of rigorous thinking. Good practice for him involves […]

Past volatility making way for future steady yields

The role of emerging markets debt is evolving from a return-enhancer to providing some buffer against volatile markets. Emerging markets debt has been one of the best performing asset classes in the last decade but experts say those spectacular returns may be a thing of the past. There are signs emerging markets debt is becoming […]
Emerging Markets

Strong investor interest in corporate debt

Emerging markets corporate debt is taking on a bigger role in fixed-income portfolios with attractive yields and strong underlying fundamentals relative to both sovereign and developed-market high-yield debt attracting investors. While still beholden to sell-offs in risk assets, emerging markets corporate debt has seen strong inflows from institutional investors driven by returns that have outperformed […]