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Investor Profile

The Future Fund 2.0

With its 10th birthday looming, the Future Fund is entering its next incarnation complete with a new investment team structure. AMANDA WHITE spoke to Raphael Arndt, Stephen Gilmore and David Neal. When David Neal, the inaugural chief investment officer of the Future Fund, became its managing director on August 4 last year, his previous role […]
Uncategorised posts

The power of technology: forward looking risk tools

The finance industry is slow in its willingness to innovate around technology, and is behind other industries says Jessica Donohue executive vice president, chief innovation officer and head of advisory and information solutions at State Street. And the cost of that inability, or stubbornness, around technology innovation is not inconsequential. State Street recently released its […]
Investment Think Tanks

Historical sector returns and the future of investing

Analysing equity market returns over a very long period – 1900 to 2014 – reveals a dramatic transformation in the dominance of certain sectors. Elroy Dimson, chair of the Centre for Endowment Asset Management at Cambridge Judge Business School, and emeritus professor of finance at London Business School, outlined the lessons investors can take from […]

The power of innovation

From allocating assets in order to achieve a healthy funding status, to keeping up with technology that analyses portfolio risk, the challenges of asset owners are relentlessly evolving. For asset managers, like AQR, the key to their own evolution and success is how to be more relevant to clients. AQR keeps clients’ needs firmly within […]