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Sustainability Digital – March 2021

Principles of a climate-impact dashboard

The climate-impact dashboard is part of a 3-D investment framework that balances risk, return and impact. This includes total portfolio thinking, long-horizon investing, impact investment strategies, system-level engagement and strategic partnership between asset owners and asset managers. Here Tim Hodgson lays out eight guiding principles to help shape a climate-impact dashboard.

Largest investors need governance change

Governance and culture considerations among the largest 100 asset owners need to be improved according to the Willis Towers Watson Thinking Ahead Institute second Asset Owner 100 study. These asset owners account for 35 per cent of total asset owner capital with combined assets of $19 trillion.

Divestment doesn’t go far enough

Many investors are ridding their portfolios of assets that contribute to human suffering, but that may not go far enough. Tim Hodgson writes that a global fix requires something far more bold.

A new framework for value metrics

Ideas about how businesses generate value and which groups benefit continue to evolve. The Thinking Ahead Group argues there are four sets of stakeholders, and has metrics in mind for each.

The long-horizon advantage defined

A long-term investor has an advantage that lies in the skill to identify divergences between price and value in markets, and the willingness to wait for a convergence to take place.