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Finance industry behind no tobacco

The World Health Organisation's director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has called the Tobacco-Free Finance Pledge the missing piece in the fight against tobacco. Credit Agricole and Amundi Asset Management have become the latest signatories to the pledge, in what is a timely decision ahead of World No Tobacco Day on Sunday.

Axa gets behind tobacco-free portfolios

Axa divested from tobacco in 2016 making it one of the first global insurance companies to do so. It has taken that a step further and now doesn't insure tobacco companies. Amanda White speaks to the chair of Axa, Denis Duverne, on why this is a natural part of the company’s strategy.

Divestment doesn’t go far enough

Many investors are ridding their portfolios of assets that contribute to human suffering, but that may not go far enough. Tim Hodgson writes that a global fix requires something far more bold.

The smoking gun at CalSTRS

For a pension fund that describes itself as “ponderous”, the $154-billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System, CalSTRS, has moved uncharacteristically swiftly in recent months. The second largest public pension fund in the United States, the plan for teachers and faculty is in the process of divesting its holdings in gun manufacturers following the massacre at […]