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Featured Story

OTPP, SSGA and USS reflect on the future

Three investors reflect on the what lies ahead highlighting a buoyant 2021 but challenges beyond. Their suggestions include allocations to real assets and diversifying out of traditional fixed income as they navigate portfolio construction considerations in a new investment paradigm.
Fiduciary Investors Series

In conversation with Simon Pilcher, USS

In this Fiduciary Investors Series podcast Amanda White speaks to Simon Pilcher the chief executive of USS Investment Management, which manages assets for USS, the largest private pension scheme in the UK about the complexity of a sustainable strategy – including divestment and manager expectations – as well as the opportunistic investments the fund has made in private assets and credit.
Asset Allocation

CIOs ride the corona storm

Even for long term investors who pride themselves on the big picture and horizons stretching far into the future, the unprecedented change of recent weeks is hair-raising. Enough liquidity on hand to take advantage of buying opportunities once they arise and comfortably pay benefits is crucial. We look at the strategies of investors around the world in response to the market conditions.
Investor Profile

Roger Gray reflects on his time at USS

In what will be exactly a decade leading and transforming the Universities Superannuation Scheme investment office, Roger Gray will step down in September. Amanda White spoke to him about investments, governance, the self-possession needed to thrive in funds management, and what’s next.