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Largest investors need governance change

Governance and culture considerations among the largest 100 asset owners need to be improved according to the Willis Towers Watson Thinking Ahead Institute second Asset Owner 100 study. These asset owners account for 35 per cent of total asset owner capital with combined assets of $19 trillion.
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Engagement needs more resources

Resources in the investment value chain have to shift away from financial modelling and trading towards stewardship and engagement according to Luba Nikulina, global head of manager research at Willis Towers Watson, speaking at the 8th Sustainable Finance Forum run by Oxford University.

The value creation boundary

The value creation boundary, a margin between innocent bystanders and the parties involved in an economic activity, is a powerful thinking device for asset owners and managers to use in considering their investment responsibilities. So should long-term investors expand the boundary and include more of humanity in the consequences of investment decisions?